A camera-trap is triggered by the presence of an animal. However, we use this trap only to capture an unobtrusive photograph instead of the animal itself. A camera-trap consists of three basic parts: 1) a camera, 2) a heat/motion sensor, and 3) a power supply. The camera-trap is a box about a foot (30 cm) tall, six inches (15 cm) wide, and two inches (5 cm) thick. We mount it on a tree facing outward to observe the surrounding forest. All day and all night long, an electronic eye looks for heat in motion. When an animal passes in front of the trap, the camera detects its movement and body heat and quietly snaps a photograph. With the camera-traps we use, we can also take one minute videos after the photograph. With these videos we hope to observe the way orang pendek moves.
Because our camera-traps are digital, we can fit many more images onto a single memory card than conventional film. Instead of the usual 24 pictures in a roll of film, each of our cards hold more than 170 picture/movie combinations! This allows us to keep the cameras undisturbed in the jungle for much greater periods of time than previously possible. The less we have to disturb the area around the trap, the greater our chances of photographing a rare, elusive animal like orang pendek.
Tapir photographed with one of our traps
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